DDS method (drilling displacement system or full displacement pile – FDP) is based on the principle of borehole loosening i.e. the pile is constructed without soil excavation with compaction of borehole walls using special displacement tool. It is a continuous process of cylindrical cavity formation in the soil by its deformation and compaction with loosening tool in the borehole walls. As a result, a compacted soil zone appears around the borehole. This technique has been successfully employed for more than 10 years at construction sites in Europe and is becoming more widely used in CIS countries (especially in Saint-Petersburg).
The use of special drilling tool, rigidly fixed on the rod, enables construction of bored piles in clay soils and when an obstruction is encountered (e.g. a boulder) the rock cutting tools are replaced with a starter bit and the drilling is continued without any damage to the pile. The use of displacement tool ensures drilling of boreholes with hard and smooth walls with diameters 400 mm, 450 mm, 650 mm, 800 mm. (see figure 2)