PSU-220T Power Unit – Mosenergo branch – CHP-12
The device of drilling piles by vibration method (with a lost tip) diameter 426mm, depth 16m. in the amount of 1280 pcs.
The device of drilling piles by vibration method (with a lost tip) diameter 426mm, depth 19m in the amount of 380pcs.
The commissioning of a new combined-cycle power unit will increase the capacity of the reconstructed CHP-12, increase the reliability of energy supply to consumers of the capital, improve the environmental situation in the surrounding areas and reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere by a third. The electric capacity of a modern CCGT is at least 220 megawatts, and the thermal capacity is at least 140 gigacalories per hour. At the same time, fuel economy in the new power unit reaches 30 percent.
Learn more about the technology of the device of piles with a lost tip >>